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Prayer and worship are central to everything we do at The Prayer Room. Our heart of worship and expression of prayer goes far beyond the four walls of a room, but having a dedicated space for corporate prayer meetings is extremely valuable to us. The vision for the prayer room is to reflect the tabernacle of David (1 Chr. 22–24, Amos 9:11) and be "a house of prayer for all nations." (Isaiah 56). We aim to exalt Jesus through consistent corporate prayer with worship and see His power and justice released on the earth.

All are welcome to come to our prayer room services. While in the prayer room, feel free to join in with the corporate worship and prayer, read the Bible, write in your journal, or pray privately. To engage with the Lord and keep from distractions, it is helpful to open up your mouth, sing along with the worship team, and agree with the prayers being prayed from the microphone.

If you would like to be involved in the prayer room in any capacity, please connect with us in person at one of our services.


The purpose of our prayer room services is three-fold:


First and foremost, Jesus is worthy of our adoration, attention, and time. He wants a relationship with us! We grow in intimacy with Him as we spend time with Him and as we talk to Him. He is worthy to receive all of our worship and praise. We desire to see the First Commandment established in the first place of our hearts through intimacy.


Through prayer we also get to release His will & plans in the earth, pushing back the schemes of the enemy & darkness. Intercession means to stand in the gap for someone else. As kings and priests before Him, we get to “stand in the gap” for those in oppressive situations and bondages, releasing God’s light, truth, and deliverance. Not only do we overt negative situations through our intercession, but we also get to release God’s positive blessings through our intercession. Worship and prayer are going on constantly around God’s throne in heaven and we want to see this central aspect of His kingdom and rulership displayed in the Brazos Valley.


Thirdly, we desire to see the Gospel go forth in our region, nation, and the nations of the earth. To see this happen we must continue to pray! Through prayer, we are influencing many lives, both here locally and those in “far off” situations. As we stand before Him in the place of worship and intercession, real battles are won in the heavens and our hearts are empowered to go out and do the works of the kingdom with zeal, boldness, compassion, and love. The partnering together of prayer and missions is critical to seeing a great harvest come forth.



We have found that using a model for our prayer room hours not only makes prayer sustainable for many years but also enjoyable and duplicatable. It provides a basic framework allowing a corporate group of people to engage together in the same prayers. During our prayer room sets (a set is generally 2 hours led by one of our worship teams), we follow a model based on Revelation 5 that speaks of the harp and bowl, or worship and intercession. Within the harp and bowl prayer model, we use two basic worship and prayer formats:  Intercession sets and Worship With the Word sets, which are more devotional.

Intercession sets are usually energetic, as the room is invited to engage in corporate prayer. There are specific prayer focuses, each led by one of our prayer leaders who chooses a specific Scripture to pray from. Our singers will then sing the prayers, eventually finding a chorus to lead the room in and help the entire room to further engage in the same prayer. There are also cycles of “rapid fire prayer” when anyone is welcome to go to the microphone to pray a succession of 15-second prayers on a specific theme, as well as times of small group prayer for any who wish to participate.

Worship with the Word is a prayer format in which we agree with God’s heart as we sing the biblical truths of who God is and what His promises are. These sessions are more devotional, providing an atmosphere conducive to reading the Bible and entering into contemplative or devotional prayer. There are three cycles focusing on a specific Scripture passage. The prayer leader isolates specific parts of the passage in each cycle.